SAGE Upstate promotes the well-being of older gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning people in CNY through health programs, socials, support groups, & education.
If you missed the Project Open Book program with Josh Lambert, you can
view it here.
Project Open Books is a free, web-based library of age-appropriate and empowering LGBTQ books. This charitable organization provides books free upon request as well as guidance and activities for teachers to use in their classrooms. As LGBTQ Elders, we want to support LGBTQ youth as they find their way in the world. Reading is a great way to do that -- it builds and sustains community, self-worth, and possibility.
For more info on Project Open Book, watch the video or visit their website: www.projectopenbooks.com
9th Annual Community Celebration
Eric Alva speaks at October SAGEVets meeting
SAGE at Pride photo slideshow
Second Sunday in June: PRIDE
The "Deepening Our Humanity: Creating An Essential Foundation for Antiracist Work" program offered by Susan White and Roslyn Rasberry is now avaible in video. So, if you missed it on zoom, here it is. After watching, please send your feedback to SAGE Upstate here -- about what our next steps should be in our antiracist work as individuals and as an organization.