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SAGEVets Upstate

SAGEVets is a statewide program to help lesbian, gay, bisexual,

and transgender veterans of military service improve their

access to the VA and other veteran services,

as well as support their overall health and wellness.

Join monthly SAGEVets group on the 4th Tuesday

In person or on Zoom​

Zoom log in:     

​Call in: 929 205 6099

Meeting ID: 871 5736 4984    Password:1969  

This month at SAGEVets: Tuesday, January 28, 6:00 pm

SAGE Upstate Neighborhood Advisor Masani Tyler will discuss income-stretching programs that help with heating, nutrition,

and other health care. She can help with locating services to keep older adults healthy and independent in the community.

Masani has information on programs for veterans and for all older adults. Refreshments and time for discussion provided. 

Statewide SAGEVets Program

SAGE, 305 Seventh Ave, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10001   212-741-2247

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