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Inside this issue...

What SAGE is doing to address the spread of the coronavirus

Broadway goes dark

All programs

will resume soon

Save the date:
CNY Gay 5k on June 13

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fyh: for your health


What SAGE Upstate is doing to address the spread of the coronavirus

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program tidbits

Diabetes Prevention Program starts Thursday 4/2, 4:30

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SAGE will offer a series targeting people with prediabetes

It's an evidence-based prevention program developed by the CDC with a 70% success rate among people over age 60. Take a simple risk test here to see if you are at risk for prediabetes. 


The program will consist of weekly info sessions with food/snacks for the first half. During the second half, classes will be monthly with a meal. The course builds on the notion of making lifestyle changes with the support of a group of others doing the same.


Interested? Contact Leslie at 315-478-1923 or email here

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Do you have a special talent? 

We're looking for folks who want to show off their talents -- what can you do? Singers, dancers, poets, authors, plate spinners, musicians, and  people with any talent they'd like to share are welcome (well, maybe not fire breathing or snake charming). It's a talent show at the May potluck -- 5 minute slots will be given to those who wish to share their gifts with their SAGE friends. If you are up for it, please contact Leslie at 315-478-1923 or email here


coming events


this is interesting

Alzheimer's Association Caregiver Support Group


Alzheimer's Association

Caregiver Support Group



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SAGE Upstate Center
431 E Fayette St. #050
Syracuse, NY 13202


stay tuned for more info ...

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